8 Homemade Smoothies to Manage Arthritis

8 Homemade Smoothies to Manage Arthritis

People with arthritis may suffer from a range of diseases or pains in the joints of their bodies. The pain caused by the condition can also be debilitating, which may force most individuals to refrain from carrying out indoor or outdoor tasks. Besides the treatments, one can eat certain foods that may help manage or improve the symptoms of arthritis. They can also blend these nutritious options to create healthy smoothies and make their meal enjoyable.

Turmeric-infused smoothie
Turmeric is traditionally used in several foods to manage health conditions. As for arthritis, the spice contains a substance known as curcumin that may help curb the effects of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, including pain and inflammation in the joints. To make a turmeric-infused smoothie, one will need a handful of kale or spinach, ½ cup of frozen pineapple chunks, one teaspoon of turmeric, and a quarter spoonful of ginger. They need to blend these ingredients with a pinch of black pepper, a spoon of chia seeds, and one cup of low-fat milk or almond milk.

Pineapple smoothie
An individual with arthritis may benefit from eating pineapples because of their pain-reducing enzymes like bromelain. All one requires to turn the fruit into a healthy smoothie are two celery ribs, the head of romaine lettuce, some coriander, a thumb-sized piece of ginger, and half a pineapple.

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10 foods that help manage arthritis

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