8 mistakes to avoid while waxing at home

8 mistakes to avoid while waxing at home

Removing hair or waxing at home can be quite frustrating. This is because it causes several problems, such as missing a patch of hair, skin breakage, unnecessary pain, ingrown hair, and redness. All of this can result in a bad waxing experience. Besides, there is a waste of time and money. Also, people tend to make some common mistakes that can further worsen the hair removal or waxing experience at home.

1. Waxing at the wrong time
One of the most important but often overlooked things about waxing is when to do it. The timing should not be too soon or too late. This means one needs to wait for the hair length to grow to at least about 1/4 inch long before deciding to undergo hair removal or waxing at home. If the length is too short, the experience will be too painful. On the other hand, longer hair means more breakage during the waxing process. This will not give a smooth finish like waxing is supposed to do.

2. Ignoring the wax temperature and consistency
Waxing may seem like a simple thing to do: just heat up the wax and apply it. But this is not how it works.

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