8 signs of gastrointestinal problems due to a high sugar intake

8 signs of gastrointestinal problems due to a high sugar intake

Sugar is an incredibly common ingredient; people enjoy its use in cakes, sodas, and more. However, it isn’t uncommon for the ingredient to adversely affect our overall health, especially if one is at risk of diabetes. Consuming excess amounts of sugar may lead to a range of problems, including those with the digestive system. Thus, here are eight early warning signs that may indicate complications with gastrointestinal health due to too much sugar intake.

People may experience bloating for various reasons, including swallowing air when they chew on foods like gum, overeating, and even menstruation. However, one may also experience this symptom if they consume too much sugar. While absorbing water is the primary job of the large intestine, too much sugar may draw water from the intestine or prevent its absorption. As a result, one may feel bloating or heaviness in the gut. This symptom should be checked by an expert, especially if it persists.

Another common symptom that most individuals may experience is gas. When an individual consumes too many sugar-rich foods, the body might not be able to break down the excessive amount of sugar. As a result, the food may lie around in the large intestine, where it ferments.

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