8 Types of Aches One Should Not Ignore

8 Types of Aches One Should Not Ignore

Pain can be extremely relative. Even similar diseases or conditions can affect one in different ways in comparison to others. While some aches can be superficial and curable with a little rest or even just water at times, others may require immediate medical attention. Knowing how to distinguish between these different forms of pain is important. Based on causes and symptoms, one should never ignore the following types of pain:

  • Sharp pain that decreases the range of motion or prevents one from moving
  • Pain emanating from an area of a previous injury or surgery
  • Any pain that is associated with a deformity and severe swelling
  • Aches that do not go away despite several days of care
  • Constant aches and pains that intensify in severity
  • Any pain that involves bruising
  • Severe pain that leads to nausea or vomiting
  • Aches and pains that are accompanied by fever and chills

Additionally, one should keep an eye out for specific pains that may develop in specific body parts and warrant a visit to the doctor. These include:

Sudden chest pain
A sudden feeling of pain, discomfort, or pressure in the center of the chest could be a result of a pulmonary embolism (obstruction of a blood vessel due to a clot), pneumothorax (increased gas or air in the chest cavity), angina (pain caused due inadequate blood flow), or even a heart attack.

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16 types of vasculitis and their symptoms

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