8 ways to find water leaks at home

8 ways to find water leaks at home

Households rely on running water to carry out all kinds of tasks, from drinking and bathing to watering plants. This supply can stay uninterrupted as long as the water is safely contained in pipes. The problem arises when water finds gaps and leaks, potentially damaging the home’s structure. One way to prevent such damage is to check for leaks around the home. So, here are a few ways to find hidden water leaks:

1. Monitoring the water bill
Over time, one tends to have a clear idea about the average water bill they can expect each month. Sometimes, one may use excess water, which could drive up water usage. However, sometimes, one can get a high water bill even without excessive usage. Such unexpected charges should be monitored as they could be signs of leakage in the house. Even tiny leaks, such as a faucet with a steady drip, may waste as much as 10,000 gallons of water per year. So, tracking the bill each month is the best way to identify and fix a water leakage at the earliest to prevent spikes in bills.

2. Checking meter readings
Monitoring the water meter is another method of tracking a leak before it worsens.

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