9 common dating mistakes to avoid

9 common dating mistakes to avoid

Dating can be fun and nerve-wracking all at once, as one is still figuring out how to navigate the newness of a relationship and its complexities. While there are no hard-and-fast rules about what is right or wrong, knowing the common mistakes people make when dating is important. Avoiding these can set the stage for a better experience and even give those who are on their first date a chance to score a second one.

1. Checking one’s phone constantly
The best dates involve long and interesting conversations that help people get to know each other. However, the first few dates can also be awkward for many, especially if it is their first date. This might cause one to constantly fidget, avoid eye contact, or compulsively check their phone every other minute. This can send the wrong message to the date and is disrespectful to them. Instead, put the phone away and make an effort to get to know the date better. Avoid checking the phone and attending calls unless one absolutely has to.

2. Talking excessively about exes
A common mistake people make on a  date is talking excessively and negatively about their exes . Talking negatively about other people, especially one’s ex, sours the overall vibe of a date and gives the other person the impression that one has yet to move on.

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