9 common foods that are detrimental for teeth health

9 common foods that are detrimental for teeth health

Our teeth help us chew and digest foods, speak clearly, and give the face its shape. So, it is crucial to make food and lifestyle choices that keep the ectodermal organs safe and robust. One way to manage teeth health is by eating foods that serve as natural mouth cleansers. Conversely, individuals should also avoid some foods that may damage their teeth. Thus, here are nine foods to exclude from one’s meals for dental health.

Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner, bread is usually a staple part of most meals. However, it is also one of the worst foods when it comes to maintaining teeth health. When one chews on bread, the saliva breaks down starches into sugar. Once the bread turns into a gummy paste-like substance in the mouth, it may stick to the crevices between teeth, which could lead to cavities. Therefore, if one wants to eat foods rich in carbs, one should look for less refined options like whole wheat. Whole wheat breads contain lower amounts of added sugars and do not break down quickly.

Sour candies
Most people enjoy munching on candies following a meal or at other times in the day. But this is one of the worst foods for an individual’s overall health, including teeth quality.

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Common Foods that Cause Tooth Decay

Certain foods have a significant impact on teeth and gums. Some foods promote healthy gums, while others cause plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that can cause tooth decay and enamel erosion and lead to the development of cavities. This causes several complications, such as pain, chewing problems, and tooth abscesses. Here are the top foods that can hamper oral health and must be avoided at all costs. Sour candies It’s no surprise that candies cause tooth damage. However, sour candies contain several different acids that adversely affect your teeth. They are also chewy and sticky, which means they stay around in your mouth for a longer period, causing more damage. If you are keen on having something sweet, opt for a softer piece of chocolate that you can chew and ingest quickly and wash off any remnants from your mouth. Bread Refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice can worsen oral health. When we chew on these starches, the saliva converts them into sugar, which can get stuck between the teeth and cause cavities. If you’re looking for carbohydrates, opt for whole wheat bread, as they typically contain fewer added sugars. Carbonated beverages Sugary, carbonated drinks like soda and sports beverages have several negative effects on one’s health, such as cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and more.
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12 Common Signs of Dental Problems

A bright, healthy smile is often a goal for many. While several in-office procedures can help one achieve the perfect smile, it is also important to practice oral hygiene regularly. Without a good dental regimen, one could experience a variety of problems, such as cavities, tooth decay, halitosis, gum disease, and more, leading to severe infections and tooth loss. So, one should keep an eye out for the following common signs of dental problems: Toothache Toothache is one of the most common signs of poor oral health. It could develop during the formation of a cavity or be linked to more serious conditions when accompanied by swelling or pus around the tooth or a fever. Until one gets a chance to visit the dentist, rinsing the mouth with warm water and flossing to remove any food particles stuck between the teeth can help alleviate the pain. Stained teeth The color of the teeth is determined by a variety of factors, such as food, medical treatments, lifestyle choices, and even physical trauma. To get rid of stains on the teeth and give them a brighter appearance, one can invest in at-home teeth whitening kits, whitening toothpaste, and rinses that help remove surface stains.
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10 Unhealthy Habits That Damage the Teeth

It is common knowledge that teeth are one of the most vital parts of the human body. They help chew food, enhance smiles, give the face a balanced appearance, and more. This is why it is essential to maintain good dental habits and eliminate the bad ones. While brushing one’s teeth daily, flossing, and avoiding sugar-heavy foods, are some good habits, here are some unhealthy habits that damage the teeth: Brushing vigorously As specified earlier, brushing is good for the teeth. However, many people go overboard with their effort to brush their teeth. Vigorous brushing leads to tooth enamel wearing out and gums receding, resulting in progressively sensitive teeth. To avoid these outcomes, one must be gentle on their teeth and gums while maneuvering their brush from one end to another. Biting nails When stressed out, people are more than likely to bite on their nails even without realizing it. Nail-biting is bad for one’s dental health for a host of reasons. For one, this habit transfers all the germs and bacteria from one’s hands into their mouth. Apart from that, biting one’s nails is a surefire way to damage and break the teeth over a period of time. What’s more, when a person bites their nails regularly, they are putting a lot of pressure on their teeth, causing them to subtly move around.
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