9 common foods that may worsen eye health

9 common foods that may worsen eye health

The eyes are vital sensory organs that are often considered to be the window to the world. Their health is deeply interconnected with heart and blood vessel health, as they have capillaries that provide oxygen and nutrients to the retina. Over time, with fatty deposits and unhealthy foods, these can become blocked, causing trouble with one’s vision. To maintain eye function and health, one must include healthy foods and avoid those that worsen eye health.

Foods to avoid

Simple carbohydrates found in foods like bread, white rice, and pasta cause spikes in the glycemic index. Hyperglycemia has been linked to diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. It can also increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), one of the leading causes of vision loss among older people.

Foods rich in simple carbohydrates may also increase the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. This may further cause disturbances in one’s vision. Instead, it is advisable to opt for whole-grain alternatives.

Processed meat
Processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, and  deli meat are packed with high amounts of sodium. This can increase the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) or cholesterol. Over time, it may result in:

  • High blood pressure could cause damage to the retina, affecting one’s vision.

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11 foods that may worsen COPD symptoms

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a group of conditions that affect the lungs. Emphysema or chronic bronchitis are two of the most common forms of COPD. While it has no absolute cure, certain treatment options can help relieve the symptoms. One of the ways to manage and improve respiratory health is to monitor what one eats and recognize foods that can worsen COPD symptoms. So, here are a few foods to avoid: Sugary foods Foods rich in refined sugar, like baked goods, cookies, candies, sweet rolls, pies, and cobblers, can increase blood sugar levels and bloating. Furthermore, these foods can cause frequent energy crashes, making one feel fatigued. All of these factors can worsen COPD symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness. Salty foods Frozen foods, salted nuts, and takeout meals may have a high amount of salt (sodium). Excessive sodium can make the body retain fluids. For those with COPD, this means an elevated risk of pulmonary hypertension or high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. These issues can lead to other COPD complications as well. So, it is important to monitor daily salt intake by checking food labels and choosing foods with low sodium. Processed meat Cured or processed meat has been associated with several health issues, including the worsening of COPD symptoms.
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7 Foods That May Worsen Eosinophilic Esophagitis Symptoms

People with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) undergo inflammation in their esophagus, a food pipe tract, as it connects the mouth to the stomach. This inflammation is caused by the rapid and aggressive growth of eosinophils, a kind of white blood cell, in the lining of the esophagus. Specific triggers can worsen its symptoms in individuals, certain foods being one of them. To prevent this, here are some EoE food items one must avoid: Milk Cow’s milk contains specific proteins that can trigger inflammation and allergies in people with eosinophilic esophagitis. When such people consume milk, the subsequent allergic reaction caused due to these proteins can speed up the growth of eosinophils in the inner lining of their food pipe. This, in turn, worsens symptoms such as pain, difficulty in swallowing meals, and, in many cases, frequent episodes of vomiting. Due to its components, such as casein, lactoalbumin, and lactoglobulin, milk makes eosinophilic growth more rampant in patients. However, certain research studies have found that eliminating milk and other dairy products such as yogurt, ice cream, butter, buttermilk, artificial cream/cream, condensed milk, evaporated milk, margarine, ice cream, sour cream, some salad creams, mayonnaise, and cheese from one’s daily meals result in a tangible improvement in terms of symptoms in up to 34 percent of EoE cases.
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9 common foods that are detrimental for teeth health

Our teeth help us chew and digest foods, speak clearly, and give the face its shape. So, it is crucial to make food and lifestyle choices that keep the ectodermal organs safe and robust. One way to manage teeth health is by eating foods that serve as natural mouth cleansers. Conversely, individuals should also avoid some foods that may damage their teeth. Thus, here are nine foods to exclude from one’s meals for dental health. Bread Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner, bread is usually a staple part of most meals. However, it is also one of the worst foods when it comes to maintaining teeth health. When one chews on bread, the saliva breaks down starches into sugar. Once the bread turns into a gummy paste-like substance in the mouth, it may stick to the crevices between teeth, which could lead to cavities. Therefore, if one wants to eat foods rich in carbs, one should look for less refined options like whole wheat. Whole wheat breads contain lower amounts of added sugars and do not break down quickly. Sour candies Most people enjoy munching on candies following a meal or at other times in the day. But this is one of the worst foods for an individual’s overall health, including teeth quality.
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