9 common mistakes to avoid while showering

9 common mistakes to avoid while showering

People usually shower in the morning or right before bed. As it is an everyday activity, one probably does not think too much about showering. After all, it is a pretty simple process. Nevertheless, one needs to follow key steps and avoid lapses to ensure that the skin is completely clean and is not damaged or dry after a shower. So, here are a few common mistakes to avoid while showering:

Spending a lot of time in the shower
One of the most common causes of dry and itchy skin is taking hot showers for a long time. It may feel relaxing to spend a lot of time in the steam of hot showers. But this can damage the skin’s natural moisture barrier, making the skin unable to lock in enough hydration leading to dryness. So, when taking a hot shower, one should make it as brief as possible. Spending about 5 minutes is more than enough.

Showering too often every day
For those living in humid climates, taking a shower twice a day can help regulate the body temperature and deal with excessive sweating. Unless one is grimy or sweating, such as after a workout, showering once a day is enough under normal circumstances.

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