9 common mistakes to avoid with trademark registration

9 common mistakes to avoid with trademark registration

Building a business takes a lot of time, money, and effort. Thus, it is no surprise that companies want to protect their intellectual and financial investments by applying for trademark registration. A trademark is defined as an intellectual property (symbol, logo, words, or phrases) legally registered to identify products or services from a particular entity. This article enlists nine common mistakes one must avoid making when registering a trademark:

Not filing for trademark protection
The reach of the ™ symbol (also known as the common law trademark) is limited to the geographic boundaries of one’s company. To protect this trademark, one must register their company with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). To do so, file a trademark application with the organization. Upon receiving a trademark grant from them, businesses can use the ® symbol.

Forgetting to research similar trademarks
According to USPTO guidelines, it is advisable to scroll through their trademark filing database. This gives companies a better idea of trademarks that have been registered, applied, are in use, or those that have been canceled or abandoned. It is important to note that company taglines also qualify for trademark registration and must be checked thoroughly before applying.

Not having a distinctive trademark
Filing for a trademark is a tedious as well as expensive process.

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