9 Common Mistakes Truck Drivers Must Avoid

9 Common Mistakes Truck Drivers Must Avoid

Truck drivers typically face several ordeals, from long shift hours to extended periods away from one’s home and loved ones. According to statistical data, truck accidents account for 6.5% of all crashes in the country. Most of these accidents are triggered by rookie mistakes on the road, which culminate in injuries and fatalities. Understanding the common mistakes truck drivers make can help increase overall road safety. This article lists some common rookie mistakes:

Driving in a state of sleep deprivation
According to the National Transportation Safety Board, 13% of all truck accidents involving the death of the truck driver were caused due to the driver being sleep deprived. Moreover, in another study, 19% of drivers reported falling asleep at the steering wheel at least once during the month. Such staggering statistical figures suggest that truck drivers grappling with sleep deprivation is a significant issue. It is important to ensure that truck drivers are well-rested and have slept for at least seven hours before they begin their journeys. Moreover, they must not undertake a continuous journey of over 14 hours at a stretch.

Rash driving
The speed limit for heavy vehicles, including large trucks, is 70 mph during the day and 65 mph at night.

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