9 drinks that help manage constipation

9 drinks that help manage constipation

Most people who suffer from constipation, occasionally or regularly, may find the condition undeniably uncomfortable. Occasional constipation may occur when waste moves from the digestive system slower than usual, which causes it to build up, turn hard and dry, and make stool difficult to pass. There are multiple prescriptions that can help offer relief. A healthcare expert may also recommend these eight drinks to help relieve constipation in combination with treatments.

Prune juice
One of the most popular choices to relieve constipation is prune juice. An 8-ounce glass of fruit in liquid form contains close to 3 grams of fiber, which makes up about 10 percent of an individual’s Daily Value (DV). As for its benefits, the fiber content derived from prunes helps bulk up stools. Furthermore, the fruit is also rich in sorbitol, which assists in softening the waste matter, making it easier to pass. Since the juice is best enjoyed in its natural form, one should put about 5-6 pieces of the fruit in a bowl and soak it in a quarter cup of hot water for 30 minutes. After this, they need to blend the contents of the bowl, cool it down, and drink the juice.

Apple juice
Drinking apple juice may serve as a very gentle laxative for people with constipation.

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10 uncommon signs of dehydration explained

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13 Foods for a Healthy Bladder

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