9 subtle signs that a partner might be cheating

9 subtle signs that a partner might be cheating

Infidelity, or even a suspicion that a partner is being unfaithful, can lead to confusion and distance in a relationship. Obvious changes in behavior can often accompany cheating. However, sometimes, infidelity may be accompanied by subtle signs. Recognizing these signs can help one initiate communication with their partner in order to address the issues in the relationship. So, here are a few surprising signs that may indicate a partner is cheating:

1. Sudden changes in routine
While days can get busier at times, this may be a cause for concern if there is no valid explanation for such deviation. Unless the partner has clearly communicated the reasons (like work commitments) for the shift well in advance, a sudden change in daily routine may be a sign that they are secretly spending time with someone else. Here, they may suddenly start working late frequently or head out more often without a seemingly valid reason.

2. Becoming overprotective of the phone
When engaged in an affair, phones can hold proof of infidelity. So, a sign to avoid ignoring is heightened secrecy around phone use. Here, a partner may also change the way they use the phone, leading to the following signs that may become more evident over time:

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