9 superfoods ideal for nursing mothers

9 superfoods ideal for nursing mothers

Breastfeeding is a universal way to nourish a newborn. Many mothers exclusively breastfeed their baby for six months, which is the minimum duration doctors recommend around the world. During this phase, nursing mothers need to have healthy, nutritious foods as this is how infants get the nutrients they need. Additionally, certain foods can help increase the milk supply. So here are a few superfoods that are ideal for nursing mothers: 

This superfood is loaded with nutrients like heart-healthy fats that can help new mothers feel full for long periods. Breastfeeding mothers usually feel frequent hunger pangs due to having to nurse often. Further, women need more calories during their nursing period. This is why avocados are a great and versatile option for filling recipes. The fruit contains essential vitamins and is a versatile option to add to meals. 

Nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, pistachios, and macadamia nuts are great snacking options for new mothers. These nuts are usually high in essential minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamins K and B. They are known to be lactogenic and also excellent sources of healthy fats and protein, essential for babies and mothers alike.  One can have these nuts by the bedside to make them easily accessible.

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