9 tax-deductible charity contributions

9 tax-deductible charity contributions

During times of charitable giving, such as in the holiday season, it is common to look for ways to give back to the community while reaping some tax benefits. One effective option is to make tax-deductible charity donations. These donations not only support charitable causes but also reduce one’s tax liabilities. This invariably helps in making the donations more impactful on the personal front as well as in communities one wishes to support.

Cash donations
One can make  monetary donations to public charities, which are eligible for tax deductions under 501(c)(3). These donations can be made through checks, credit cards, or payroll deductions through their employer. If the donor itemizes their deductions, they can receive deductions of up to 60% of their adjusted gross income (AGI) in a year for gifts of cash to qualified public charitable organizations. If they choose to donate to private charities, such as a family foundation, the annual limit of deductions is approximately 30% of their AGI. However, the donated amount must be substantial to avail of this deduction. Another option is to bunch together several small donations into a single year.

Charitable gift funds
One can also set up donor-advised funds. These are accounts that offer the flexibility of charitable giving to multiple organizations.

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