9 Warning Signs Indicating a Cat is Unwell

9 Warning Signs Indicating a Cat is Unwell

Taking proper care of pets is a big responsibility. It does not stop with simply giving them the best foods, toys, and creature comforts. You must also pay attention to the obvious signs that indicate your cat is sick or experiencing any discomfort that needs immediate attention. As a responsible pet parent, doing the right thing at the right time and promptly addressing the pet’s distress is important. Here are nine signs that you should never ignore:

Changes in your pet’s appetite
If your cat is suddenly eating more or has abruptly stopped eating, it is likely experiencing many digestive problems. Even pets have conditions like hyperthyroidism, intestinal parasites, or diabetes that trigger a sudden increase in food consumption. On the other hand, gastrointestinal diseases trigger nausea, food aversion, and fever, leading to a complete dip in consumption. Often, these changes are coupled with excessive water consumption due to the potential symptoms of these conditions that flare up.

Changes in physical appearance
Cats love to groom themselves; it is one of the most consistent habits among felines. However, if your cat has stopped doing things like licking their fur clean or tidying up in the litter box after doing their business, it could be due to underlying health issues.

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