Benefits of probiotic yogurts and popular brands

Benefits of probiotic yogurts and popular brands

Bacteria are commonly perceived as harmful organisms to be avoided at all costs. However, very few know that many of them play a vital role in maintaining our gut health. Probiotics are good bacteria that our gut craves to eliminate the harmful bacteria from our body. Even though several sources of probiotics are available, like fermented foods and supplements, there is no tastier way to include good bacteria in meals than yogurts, as discussed below:

What are the key probiotic benefits for the body?
Your body, specifically your gut, is composed of trillions of microbes called the gut microbiome. When you eat or drink something, your gut microbiome balance is affected, which comprises both good bacteria and harmful bacteria.

When an infection attacks your body, the number of harmful bacteria exceeds the number of good bacteria in your guts. To destroy these bad guys, your body requires good bacteria from external sources. When probiotics from external sources like supplements or fermented foods enter your body, they attack the harmful bacteria to restore the equilibrium of your gut microbiome, making your colon strong and helping your body to fight off infections.

Some of the typical disease symptoms that probiotics help in managing include diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and lactose intolerance.

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6 key health benefits of probiotics

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