Bipolar disorder – Its types and early signs

Bipolar disorder – Its types and early signs

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by extreme moods, either significantly high or low. The high periods are referred to as mania or hypomania, and the low moods are called depression. However, the moods can sometimes be concurrent, meaning individuals with bipolar disorder may have manic and depressive symptoms at once. The condition is usually difficult to diagnose; however, some signs can detect bipolar disorder early, and treatment can be started accordingly.

Types and symptoms
Often, the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder overlap with those of other conditions, so it becomes difficult to diagnose it timely, which can delay treatment. However, there are now some criteria laid out by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that help recognize bipolar disorder.
There are four types of bipolar disorders, and the symptoms vary according to the type of the condition. These are as follows:

1. Bipolar I
This type is diagnosed when the individual experiences manic episodes. The symptoms are as follows:

  • This includes a significant shift in the behavior and mood of the person. These mood changes are often unlike the person’s personality or usual behavior, making it evident that something is wrong.
  • A manic episode is also considered manic when it is present most of the day and nearly daily.

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