Top tips for managing rheumatoid arthritis

Top tips for managing rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition that affects one’s joints. In some cases, it can also damage several other body systems like blood vessels, the heart, lungs, eyes, and skin. It is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when your immune system starts mistakenly attacking your body’s tissues. The condition affects the joint’s lining, resulting in painful swelling, which can later cause joint deformity and bone erosion. Here are some treatment measures for rheumatoid arthritis: Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis Actemra® It is a prescription, FDA-approved biological therapy for relief from rheumatoid arthritis. Actemra ® helps lower the inflammation in the body by directly blocking the action of a protein in your body called interleukin-6 (IL-6). Your doctor may administer it as a subcutaneous or intravenous injection. The former is administered at home or at a medical facility, but the latter is given solely at a medical facility. Plaquenil It is an FDA-approved prescription treatment that helps treat acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis. It helps manage symptoms such as stiffness, inflammation, joint pain, and swelling. It is to be taken exactly as per the recommendation of one’s primary healthcare professional. Rinvoq® Rinvoq ® helps treat moderate to severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis in adults when tumor necrosis factor blockers were used but could not be tolerated or did not work well.
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