Ear problems triggered by excessive sugar and their symptoms

Ear problems triggered by excessive sugar and their symptoms

Most people love eating sugary foods or beverages, but it often comes at a cost. Excessive intake of sugar-rich foods is known to cause various health concerns affecting the eyes, kidneys, liver, skin, and even the ears. It happens due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels in one’s body, paving the way for chronic conditions like diabetes. Keep reading to learn more about the various hearing issues caused by excessive sugar intake and their warning signs.

Hearing problems and other ear issues caused by excessive sugar intake

Decreased hearing
Hearing loss is extremely common among older adults as it happens with age. However, other factors can play a pivotal role in developing this condition, including diabetes, prolonged exposure to loud noises, and excess ear wax.

Usually, when it comes to diabetes, one of the main reasons patients can develop hearing loss or decreased hearing is the damage caused to the blood vessels in the inner ear. But diabetes can also cause other complications, including auditory nerve damage, where one may experience problems like sounds fading in and out.

Loss of balance
As mentioned previously, uncontrolled blood sugar levels in the body can cause damage to the small blood vessels in the ear.

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