Easy remedies to whiten teeth at home

Easy remedies to whiten teeth at home

According to a study, about 80 percent of adults aged between 18 to 49 want to have whiter teeth. As we age, our teeth naturally start to turn yellow. However, it could be concerning when it happens before time. Several teeth-whitening products are available, but most contain harmful chemical substances. Thankfully, several homemade remedies are available to restore the natural color of your teeth. But before that, you must ascertain the cause of discoloration.

What causes teeth to turn yellow?
There are primarily two reasons why your teeth may turn yellow:

Thinning of enamel
The white color/outer layer protecting the teeth contains enamel, which is also responsible for preserving the deeper tooth structures. Beneath the enamel exists a layer of yellow-brown tissue called dentin. When the enamel of your teeth begins to wear away, the underneath yellow-brown tissue layers are exposed, making your teeth look darker. Some principal reasons for thinning enamel are gum disease, acidic foods, and increasing age. Some individuals have naturally thinner enamel.

Specific edibles and beverages like coffee may leave stains on your teeth. These stains can also cause enamel to wear, increasing the yellowish hue. Some other sources of stains include tobacco products and specific medications.

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