Foods That Help Manage Seizures

Foods That Help Manage Seizures

A seizure is a sudden increase in electrical activity between brain cells. The phenomenon leads to temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements, sensations, behavior, or states of awareness. Seizures usually occur due to a range of health complications, including infections and tumors. The symptoms are controllable with the right prescriptions. However, maintaining a healthy meal plan alongside ongoing treatments can improve brain health and reduce potential health complications that may lead to seizures.

Introducing spinach to daily meals is one of the best ways to improve brain health. The leafy green is abundant in an antioxidant called lutein, which helps cleanse harmful substances from the brain and prevents age-related mental decline. The vegetable is also rich in magnesium, essential for managing muscle and nerve function. Moreover, spinach is rich in B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and L-tyrosine, which are known to improve memory and mental focus.

Each type of berry, such as blueberries, packs antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties essential for the brain. The berry contains polyphenols, a group of compounds that include anthocyanins. While the property gives the berry its blue/black hue, it is also associated with improved brain health. Anthocyanins are said to reduce inflammation, help neurons communicate better, and regulate how the brain utilizes glucose for energy.

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