Huntington’s disease – Symptoms, causes, and management

Huntington’s disease – Symptoms, causes, and management

In the realm of neurological disorders, Huntington’s Disease (HD) stands as a formidable adversary, relentlessly encroaching upon the lives of those afflicted. HD is a hereditary, progressive neurodegenerative disorder that impairs both motor and cognitive functions, leading to a profound deterioration in an individual’s quality of life. With a genetic underpinning involving the expansion of CAG trinucleotide repeats, HD presents a complex clinical picture characterized by a range of motor symptoms, cognitive impairments, and psychiatric manifestations.

Motor symptoms

  • Chorea
    One of the hallmark symptoms of Huntington’s Disease is chorea, characterized by involuntary, jerky, and unpredictable movements of the limbs, face, and other body parts. These movements can be mild or severe and often interfere with activities of daily living.
  • Dystonia
    Individuals with HD may experience muscle contractions and abnormal postures known as dystonia. This symptom can lead to sustained muscle contractions, causing discomfort and difficulty maintaining a normal posture.
  • Bradykinesia
    As the disease progresses, individuals may develop bradykinesia, a slowness of voluntary movements. This can affect one’s ability to initiate and complete tasks.
  • Impaired coordination
    Huntington’s disease often leads to impaired coordination and balance. Individuals may have difficulty walking and may become prone to falls.
  • Difficulty swallowing
    Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a common symptom in advanced stages of HD.

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5 stages of Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s disease is a rare and inherited health disorder that causes the brain’s nerve cells to progressively break down over time. As the cells degenerate, a person’s functional abilities start to decline. Additionally, their movements, cognitive ability, and mental health are also affected. It is similar to having ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease simultaneously. These symptoms develop gradually over the course of several years as the disease progresses through multiple stages. Causes of Huntington’s disease Huntington’s disease is a genetic health disorder. It results from a difference or mutation in a particular gene. This difference is generally inherited. Thus, Huntington’s disease runs in the family. Also, it is an autosomal dominant disorder. This implies that only one copy of the different gene is enough for a person to develop this disorder. Thus, a child has a 50% chance of inheriting the nontypical gene from a parent, who may pass along a healthy or nontypical copy of the gene. Therefore, if both parents have Huntington’s disease, there is a 100% chance that their child may have it, too. Progression of Huntington’s disease The atypical gene that causes Huntington’s disease is present in a person at birth. However, the symptoms do not start manifesting at that time.
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Huntington’s disease – Foods to avoid and eating habits to follow

Huntington’s disease is a hereditary disease that causes the degeneration of brain cells. One of the main symptoms of this condition is uncontrollable jerky movements in the arms, legs, face, head, and upper body (called chorea). Other symptoms may also include a decline in thinking and reasoning skills, alterations in mood, and behavioral changes. This article explores how the condition impacts one’s eating and food management strategies to improve nutritional intake. How Huntington’s affects the body and food intake Chorea Huntington causes jerky, uncontrollable movements called chorea. This can use more energy, increasing one’s caloric needs. Difficulty in planning Huntington’s may cause short-term memory loss, making it difficult to plan meals in advance. This can also affect one’s food and nutrition. Clumsiness One may also experience stumbling and clumsiness. As a result, one may find it difficult to eat or drink, causing embarrassment among individuals with Huntington’s. Mood changes Cognitive changes with Huntington’s can cause depression and anxiety. This can cause changes in appetite, affecting one’s desire to eat. Muscular changes With Huntington’s, individuals may also have hand-eye coordination, eating, and posture issues. This can limit their ability to put food into their mouths, affecting their daily eating habits. Additionally, it can make it difficult to close the lips together, causing spillage.
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13 warning signs of Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a rare neurological disorder that affects the brain’s nerve cells over time. A progressive decline in motor skills, cognitive function, and emotional well-being characterizes it. While the onset of symptoms can vary from person to person, recognizing the warning signs is crucial for early diagnosis and management. Here are some of the key indicators or early warning signs that may signal the presence of Huntington’s disease. What is Huntington’s disease? Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary disorder caused by a mutation in the HTT gene, producing an abnormal form of the huntingtin protein. This mutated protein gradually damages certain areas of the brain, particularly the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex, which play crucial roles in regulating one’s emotions, memory, physical actions, and the ability to perform mental tasks, including thinking and decision-making. The condition has been closely linked to diabetes and abnormal changes in one’s glucose metabolism. A physical examination and a blood test often lead to its diagnosis. Warning signs of Huntington’s disease Involuntary and jerky movements Individuals may notice involuntary movements, known as chorea, which often begin subtly and gradually worsen over time. These movements can manifest as cramps, tremors, or other jerky motions that affect the body’s arms, legs, face, and other parts.
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