Migraine – Ways to manage the condition

Migraine – Ways to manage the condition

Migraine headaches are a devitalizing experience. It completely saps the person of energy and prevents them from being productive during these episodes. There is usually a build-up to a migraine attack which is different for every individual. The phase before the actual migraine attack is known as the aura, and people may report seeing flashes of light or experiencing a tingling sensation. Below are some options for treating migraine headaches:

Treatment options

  • Nurtec
    Nurtec is a treatment option that helps relieve some symptoms of migraines. It reduces the severity of headaches and sensitivity to light. Nurtec is usually taken on alternate days to prevent migraines and other pain associated with the condition.
  • Ubrelvy
    Ubrelvy, a fast pain-relief, is a treatment option that blocks calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the body. CGRP is associated with migraine attacks, and suppressing it goes a long way in treating the condition. 
  • Excedrin
    This pain reliever does not just treat migraine headaches but also pain in other parts of the body. Excedrin provides fast pain relief to the patient.
  • Qulipta
    Qulipta is a treatment option that helps prevent migraines over a more extended period. However, medical professionals do not recommend this treatment option to people suffering from kidney or liver problems.

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Odors that trigger migraines and ways to manage the condition

Around one in seven individuals worldwide suffer from migraine. It is a severe headache that affects one side of the head, usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. While migraine can be caused due to several reasons, increased sensitivity to smells, or osmophobia, is a prevalent trigger. It is not clear why some are sensitive to specific smells and develop headaches. Below are a few odors that can trigger migraines and ways to manage the condition: Which odors can trigger migraines? Smells are just as powerful a trigger for migraine as sleep deprivation. The most prevalent smells that can lead to migraine are gasoline, car exhaust, perfumes, pesticides, asphalt, nail polish, cooking steam, and detergents. However, it can take over 15 minutes for a person to develop symptoms after exposure to a problematic odor.  Why do smells trigger migraines? As mentioned, hypersensitivity to these smells is the cause of the problem. Experts suggest that increased sensitivity may be linked to a smaller olfactory bulb, a brain receptor responsible for processing odors. Studies show that people with migraines have a relatively tinier olfactory bulb than others.  How to manage migraines? Migraines caused due to osmophobia can be extremely painful and unpleasant. Many individuals report feeling disgusted by the smell of food being cooked and repelled by raw food.
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11 common migraine causing odors

Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by severe, pulsating headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. While the exact cause of migraines remains elusive, various triggers have been identified, including certain odors. Odor-triggered migraines can be particularly challenging to manage and treat. Below are some familiar smells that may trigger the condition, simple strategies to cope with them, and other factors that can trigger migraines. Why do certain odors cause migraine? The phenomenon of migraine headaches due to odor sensitivity is called osmophobia or olfactory migraines. The exact mechanism by which odors trigger migraines is not fully understood, but several theories exist. One is sensory overload, wherein strong odors overload the brain’s sensory processing, leading to a migraine in individuals susceptible to sensory triggers. Some people may also have heightened sensitivity to certain chemicals found in odorous substances. When exposed to these chemicals, their bodies may react with a migraine. Lastly, odors can activate specific neural pathways in the brain, potentially triggering migraine pathways in those predisposed to migraines. Odors that may trigger migraine Perfumes and fragrances Perfumes and strong fragrances are among the most common migraine triggers. The synthetic chemicals in many perfumes can overwhelm the olfactory system, leading to migraines in susceptible individuals.
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6 surprising migraine triggers and ways to manage them

No one can know what a painful affair a sudden onset of migraine pang is other than the person who goes through it. While the migraine triggers differ from person to person, a few culprits are there, which seem to attack everyone indiscriminately. When one can identify their triggers, they are a step closer to effectively managing migraine and avoiding future attacks. Here are six surprising migraine triggers which you may not have been previously aware of: Excessive stress Stress is the most common reason that tends to trigger migraine pangs. According to some studies, stress is a catalyst for 70 percent of migraine attacks in patients. Besides, such studies have revealed a close relationship between daily migraine activity and stress levels. Furthermore, there seems to be a continuous cycle in which the day-to-day stress levels are further loaded with the worry of upcoming migraine attacks. How to manage: One can begin by preparing an exhaustive list of things that seem to bug daily but are pretty mundane and can be dealt with quickly without any undue tension or stress. Once the list is prepared, work on those triggers to reduce their effects on your stress levels. Besides that, try relaxation therapy, yoga, meditation, exercise, biofeedback, and massage to calm your mind and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
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