Nail fungal infection – Causes, symptoms, and management

Nail fungal infection – Causes, symptoms, and management

Fungus is normally present in the body, but when there is an overgrowth, it can lead to infection. One common infection is nail fungal infection, or onychomycosis or tinea unguium. It usually affects the toenails rather than the fingernails, causing them to become brittle and discolored. This infection develops over time, so any changes to the affected nails may be subtle initially. Here are some common types, causes, symptoms, and treatment measures for nail fungal infections.

Types of nail fungal infections
In general, there are four types of nail fungal infections.

Distal or lateral subungual onychomycosis
This is a common nail fungal infection caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophyte. This infection can occur in both toenails and fingernails. It usually starts as a yellowish-colored patch in the nail bed, right under the nail. Over time, this patch spreads to the center of the nail from the edges, causing the nail to separate from the nail bed.

Candidal onychomycosis
This type of infection is caused by yeast. It mostly occurs in the fingernails. The yeast causes the area around the infected nail to become inflamed and swollen. Sometimes, the nail might come off entirely from the nail bed.

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