Natural Factors and Health Conditions that Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis

Natural Factors and Health Conditions that Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis leads to the loss of bone mass and bone mineral density. It causes the bones to become weak and brittle from the inside, making them more porous. Once individuals reach a certain age, the natural process of bone regeneration slows down, resulting in loss of bone loss, especially in the event of physical injury. With osteoporosis, the bones become more prone to fracture even during routine activities like walking, bathing, and standing.

Risk factors associated with osteoporosis
Various factors increase a person’s chances of developing osteoporosis. Some of these aspects can be modified, while others are hard to avoid. For example, the body absorbs old bone tissues and produces new ones so that it can maintain the strength and density of the bones and, thereby, the structural integrity. As a person grows older, the bone breaks faster than it rebuilds itself. If this breakdown occurs excessively, bone loss progresses to osteoporosis. This disease can affect both men and women but is more likely to affect women after menopause. This happens due to a sudden decrease in estrogen.

Here are some unavoidable factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis-

The risk of developing osteoporosis increases after the mid-30s. This happens mostly with women after menopause.

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Signs, causes, and risk factors of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone condition that develops when bone mass and density decrease or when the structure and strength of the bone change. Although it can occur at any age, osteoporosis is a major cause of fractures in postmenopausal women and older men. These fractures most commonly occur in the hips, vertebrae, and the wrist. It is considered a “silent” disease because there are generally no signs or symptoms until a bone breaks. Signs of early-stage osteoporosis In the early stages of osteoporosis, one may notice the following signs: Receding gums If the jaw begins to lose bone density, it can cause the gums to recede. Bone density loss can also make the gums more susceptible to bacteria, increasing the risk for gum disease. Speak to a dentist about screening for bone loss in the jaw. Weaker grip strength Research conducted on postmenopausal women shows a clear link between low bone density and low hand grip strength. Lower grip strength also puts one at a higher risk for falls. Weak and brittle fingernails Nail strength is also a reflection of one’s bone health. Weak and brittle fingernails could signal low bone density or mass. However, nail strength is also influenced by a host of other factors, such as exposure to extremely hot or cold weather, regular use of nail polish or acrylic nails, and submersion in water for long periods.
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Follow these eating habits and other tips to manage osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens the bones, causing them to turn brittle and fracture. About 10 million individuals in the country suffer from osteoporosis. The deterioration of bones occurs in one of five men. In women, the probability is higher with osteoporosis affecting one in three individuals. Doctors prefer various prescription methods to cope with the condition and may also recommend some food tips. Here we have a few tips for managing osteoporosis: Eat foods to improve bone health One way to avoid osteoporosis is by eating foods to improve bone health. Introducing foods rich in calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, and milk, can nourish the body with calcium. The element is a vital nutrient for the formation and maintenance of the skeleton. Foods rich in vitamin C, E, K, and B also help in improving bone health. A few foods rich in these vitamins are collards, kale, spinach, arugula, swiss chard, and beet greens. Adding these edibles to meals can also introduce minerals like magnesium, selenium, and manganese to improve the quality of bones. Furthermore, eating foods abundant in omega-3, such as salmon and eggs, nourish the bones and promote rigidity. The fatty acid can also curb inflammation that may relieve any pain a person feels in their joints.
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How to manage osteoporosis and improve bone health

Osteoporosis is a condition that makes the bone brittle and weak. When severe, even slight pressure caused by coughing, bending over, or falling can cause a fracture. Such fractures are predominant in the spine, wrist, or hip. Osteoporosis occurs if the new bone fails to keep up with the loss of the old bone. It affects men and women, but post-menopausal women are more susceptible. Let’s discuss the correct osteoporosis treatment and management plan: Treatment plan Prolia It is a prescription treatment plan for relieving osteoporosis in women post-menopause who cannot use other options or have not responded well to prior treatment and are susceptible to fractures. Doctors will prescribe it for at least six months. Prolia helps treat both men and women. However, professionals do not recommend it for pregnant women, women trying to get pregnant anytime soon, or people with low blood calcium. Further, those allergic to denosumab or any other Prolia ingredient must avoid it.   Evenity Evenity helps with osteoporosis in two ways: it slows down bone loss and helps build new bone simultaneously. It is an FDA-approved treatment for osteoporosis that comes as a prefilled, single-use syringe with solution. But Evenity may have severe side effects.
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