These 7 signs indicate excess sugar intake

These 7 signs indicate excess sugar intake

Several scientific studies have demonstrated how excess sugar damages the human body over time. Diseases like diabetes are one of the many dangerous side effects. As a result, you must monitor your daily sugar intake rigorously. We can do so by having a healthy and balanced meal plan and indulging in an active lifestyle. Here are specific symptoms you must watch out for to know if your sugar intake has increased. 

Signs that you’re consuming excess sugar:

Constant craving for sugary things
The reward center in your brain activates when you ingest some food or drink containing sugar. When sugar enters your body, your brain responds to dopamine, also known as feel-good chemicals. To put it simply, the brain informs your body that it feels good and wants more of that sweet-tasting thing. The issue with such a feeling is that your brain gets addicted to it over time and starts craving more. This is similar to how you develop an alcohol tolerance and need more of it to feel the buzz.

Feeling lethargic throughout the day
The pleasure of the sweet taste spikes your insulin, which makes the brain happy. But after this initial high, it is inevitable for your brain to come down and feel low.

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Signs indicating diabetic neuropathy caused by excess sugar

Excessive sugar intake has far-reaching effects on the body, including the development of diabetic neuropathy. Understanding and recognizing the signs and symptoms of this condition are crucial for early detection and effective management. Exploring the various signs of diabetic neuropathy helps empower one to address them proactively. From tingling and numbness in the extremities to digestive issues, sexual dysfunction, and even cognitive impairment, it is important to delve into each sign in detail. Tingling and numbness in extremities One of the earliest signs of diabetic neuropathy is the sensation of tingling and numbness in the extremities. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves responsible for transmitting sensory signals, resulting in abnormal sensations in the hands, feet, legs, and arms. If one experiences a “pins and needles” feeling or a loss of sensation, monitoring these changes and promptly seeking professional advice is essential. Burning sensation and pain Diabetic neuropathy can also cause persistent burning sensations or pain in the affected areas. The damaged nerves may send faulty signals to the brain, leading to constant feelings of heat or aching discomfort. This pain can be particularly bothersome at night, disrupting sleep and affecting the overall quality of life. Recognizing and addressing these sensations early on is key to managing diabetic neuropathy effectively.
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11 Potential Warning Signs of Excess Sugar Intake

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Liver damage due to high sugar intake – Signs and remedies

The adverse effects of eating too much sugar are not limited to just diabetes and dental issues. The liver, responsible for detoxifying the body and regulating metabolic processes, can also fall victim to sugar overload. Individuals who relish sweets too often should learn to recognize the signs of liver disease due to excessive sugar intake. Besides listing the indicators of liver damage, this post discusses how to maintain liver health to prevent complications. Signs of liver disease due to excessive sugar intake While the symptoms listed below could result from several conditions, they are commonly linked to kidney disease, which may occur gradually due to high sugar intake: Fatigue and weakness Persistent fatigue and weakness are common signs of liver disease. When the liver is overwhelmed by excessive sugar intake, it becomes inflamed and suffers from cell damage. As a result, its ability to store and release glucose for energy production can get affected. When the body’s cells and tissues do not receive glucose, individuals experience unexplained fatigue and a general lack of energy. Abdominal discomfort Liver disease caused by excessive sugar intake can result in abdominal discomfort. Individuals may experience pain where the liver is located. This symptom can range from mild to severe and may be accompanied by bloating or a sense of pressure.
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