Tips to prevent and manage prostate cancer

Tips to prevent and manage prostate cancer

The prostate is a gland found in males. When unhealthy cells start to grow and multiply abnormally in that area, it leads to prostate cancer. There are various types of cancers that develop in the prostate gland, like small cell carcinomas, transitional cell carcinomas, sarcomas, and neuroendocrine tumors. It is essential to learn the signs and symptoms for timely treatment. Here are some ways of managing the condition and preventive methods to reduce the risk:

Treatment options
There are several treatment options available to manage prostate cancer, and each of the options has its possible risks or side effects. After a careful diagnosis and discussion with a health professional, they may suggest one of these:

    Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) is a test in which the doctor inserts a lubricated and gloved finger inside the rectum to examine the prostate by touch. If they find any abnormalities in the prostate, the doctor can immediately suggest any more tests and make a treatment plan.
  • Xofigo
    This is an invasive treatment option advised when other options like hormonal or surgical methods have not been successful in lowering the testosterone levels in the body. It is also used when cancer has specifically spread to the bone and no other parts of the body.

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Early Warning Signs and Food Regimes for Prostate Cancer

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