Top 5 Foods to Manage Hyperkalemia

Top 5 Foods to Manage Hyperkalemia

As both a mineral and an electrolyte, potassium facilitates the functioning of all of your muscles, including voluntary and involuntary muscles. Hyperkalemia refers to the condition of having excess potassium in your blood. It is harmful to have elevated potassium levels because a heart attack or even death can result from hyperkalemia. Some of the food items that patients with hyperkalemia can eat to maintain good health while avoiding a surge in potassium levels are:

Apples are a low-potassium fruit that can be particularly helpful in managing the health of hyperkalemia patients. They are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. In fact, a medium-sized apple contains only about 148 milligrams of the element, making it an excellent choice for people with hyperkalemia. Apples also contain pectin, a type of fiber that may help lower potassium levels in the blood. Pectin works by binding to the electrolyte in the digestive system, preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream. The fruit can be eaten in a variety of ways, making them an easy and versatile addition to any meal plan. They can be eaten raw, baked, or stewed, and can be used in a wide range of recipes, from desserts and salads to smoothies.

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Potassium is an essential nutrient that allows your body to function optimally. A meal plan rich in potassium allows proper nerve function and regulates your heartbeat. However, certain conditions such as kidney diseases and consuming food rich in potassium excessively may increase its levels in your bloodstream leading to a condition known as hyperkalemia . Let’s look at foods you should limit to keep your potassium within normal levels. Bananas The first food that comes to mind when people think of potassium sources is bananas. One medium-sized banana contains almost 422 mg of potassium. Though it would take a lot of bananas to cause an overdose of potassium, if you are also eating other foods rich in potassium, it will lead to excessive potassium levels in your blood, which in turn, will trigger hyperkalemia . Tomato Sauce and Paste Raw tomatoes contain a decent amount of potassium. One medium tomato has about 292 mg of potassium. Concentrated forms of tomatoes, such as sauces, salsa, paste, puree, etc., contain even higher amounts of potassium. For instance, a small cup of tomato sauce contains almost 728 mg potassium. So, it is advised to skip tomato sauce and opt for alternatives such as basil or roasted red peppers.
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