Top 7 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

Top 7 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

Cold and flu are common upper respiratory tract diseases and even though they are different, they have shared symptoms like sore throat, fever, and nasal congestion. The viral conditions spread via droplets suspended in the air from an infected person. Colds are a mild form, while a flu tends to be more severe. Once can turn to home remedies to effectively control their symptoms initially in mild cases of either condition.

Top 7 home remedies for cold and flu

Increase your consumption of zinc
A very effective home remedy to help treat cold and flu symptoms, as well as help manage COVID, is adding zinc to the meal plan to boost the immunity system. This mineral aids in creating germ-fighting white blood cells so that symptoms of cold and flu stay under check. Additionally, zinc is also known to fight off the flu virus and reduce its growth in the body. Some of the foods that come rich in zinc comprise chickpeas, beans, dairy, lentils, red meat, eggs, and more. Furthermore, supplements can also be taken before the flu season commences to keep the immune system strong. Adding these foods as part of daily meal plan will not only aid in keeping cold and flu virus at bay, but will also help in maintaining good health.

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The common cold and flu are both viral infections that affect the respiratory tract. While the symptoms of the conditions are the same, the flu is more severe. Patients experience sore throats, congestion, coughing, chest pain, headaches, sneezing, and high fevers. Although the conditions are common, they can be fatal if not managed. Thankfully, there are many ways to control the symptoms of a cold and the flu. The top three ways are: Begin the treatment Once the symptoms start to show, you must consult with a certified health practitioner and start your treatment. Fever, aches, and chills are pretty common symptoms of the cold and flu. Two common treatments prescribed by the doctor, in this case, are XOFLUZA® and TAMIFLU®.    XOFLUZA® It is a prescription treatment that is advised for people aged over 12 years. It is advised for people exhibiting the symptoms for not more than 48 hours. It is also prescribed for people aged 12 years and older who have been in touch with someone suffering from a cold or flu since the virus is highly contagious. Doctors do not prescribe this treatment for children below 12 years of age as it is still unknown if it is effective for kids in this age group.   TAMIFLU® It is an antiviral treatment that fights the virus in the body, stopping it from multiplying.
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Viral infections – Common types and early symptoms

Infections caused by viruses are called viral infections. Viruses are tiny pathogens that use a person’s cells to replicate repeatedly. They usually cause digestive and respiratory illnesses, but some variants can also affect other body functions. Common viral illnesses include the flu, cold, and herpes (cold sores). These go away on their own in most cases but can sometimes cause life-threatening or chronic health problems. Here are the types and early symptoms of viral infections. Types of viral infections Viral infections are usually classified depending on the body part they infect, how they spread, and the symptoms they cause. Certain viruses, such as adenovirus and herpes virus, can cause different health problems. The common types of viral infections include the following: Respiratory viral infections Respiratory viral infections start in the lungs, airways, throat, and nose. These infections cause pneumonia, ear infections, sinusitis, and bronchitis. Some common types of respiratory viral infections include: Common cold, which is generally caused by rhinovirus Flu caused by influenza Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Parainfluenza Viral infections in the digestive system Viral infections can affect any part of the digestive system but usually start in the stomach, intestines, gastrointestinal tract, or liver. Some common types of digestive system viral infections include the following:
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Eczema – Warning Signs and Home Remedies

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition that can affect anyone, irrespective of age and gender. It causes skin dryness and discomfort that can affect a person’s quality of life. Eczema has no definitive cure, but certain home remedies can help prevent flare-ups and control the symptoms. It’s recommended to start with a good skin care regime, along with other treatments, when its first signs start to show up.  Early warning signs of eczema The most important thing to know about eczema is its symptoms differ for everyone. It can also impact different areas of the body depending on an individual’s skincare routine.  Itchy skin This condition always begins with itchy skin. Eczema-related itchiness may range from mild to moderate. People with severe itchiness may even feel the need for constant scratching resulting in bleeding and inflamed skin. Rashes People with eczema may develop unique rashes in specific areas. They tend to have flaky skin that lets irritants and allergens penetrate the outer layer. This, in turn, causes an inflammatory response leading to redness and rashes.  Inflamed and discolored skin The area of the rash may get inflamed and swollen. There will be a noticeable discoloration which means the affected skin may look darker than the surrounding skin.  Scaly patches Scaly patches occur when the outer layer of the skin starts to form scales due to dryness.
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