Top causes for excessive sweating

Top causes for excessive sweating

Sweating is body’s way to cool down when you experience excess heat. You may also sweat when you feel afraid or nervous, primarily due to inactivity or an average temperature. This is called excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, scientifically. While there are several reasons for excessive body sweats, there is no proper cure, although getting diagnosed at the right time may help. Learn more about the causes of excessive sweating and the possible treatments and therapies.

Signs of hyperhidrosis
Firstly, you may experience sweating even when you are inactive or if your body temperature is average. Most hyperhidrosis patients sweat on one or two body parts. These include hands, feet, head, or underarms. Other features of the body mostly remain dry.

Another symptom related to excessive sweating is the amount of body sweat. More often than not, you are likely to find your clothes dripping wet, and you will have difficulty holding a pen in case of sweaty hands.

As your body sweats for extended periods, your skin will likely turn soft, peeling, and wet. Besides, skin problems like jock itch are not uncommon in such conditions. Moreover, the social embarrassment you face due to uncontrolled sweating is worse. 

Types of hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is mainly of two types:

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